1.How do I order?

- Click the item you'd like to purchase

- Select the quantity, size, color and "Add to your cart"/"Buy it now"

- Fill in your address, choose delivery method and payment method to check out.

2.What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American express, Discover) as well as PayPal.

Note: We do not have any access to your Credit card or Debit card information.

3.Can I cancel my order?

If you want to cancel your order, please reach us at info@shopmisol.com within 24 hours of placing your order. After 24 hours, orders cannot be cancelled as they might have already been processed. 

4.How long until I receive my order?

We strive to ship your orders out within 24 hours of purchase. But please allow 2-3 business days in some cases including during holiday season, promotions, or sales.

We conveniently offer free flat rate domestic shipping via USPS on orders over US $40.

Standard shipping (USPS) : 7-15 business days

Express shipping (DHL/UPS/FEDEX): 3-5 business days

Once your order has shipped, you will receive a shipping notification via email with a link to track your order.

In some rare circumstances and busy season like holidays, etc , it might take longer via standard shipping as carrier facilities have a heavy workload during this time. So please order and choose the shipping method accordingly! 

5.Do you ship worldwide?

Yes! we ship worldwide. 

The receiving country and the time the order is placed all affect the shipping time.   

6.Why doesn't the tracking information update?

Once your package leaves our facility, the tracking information will not be updated until it is scanned by the carrier. When the bar code on the package is scanned, information is updated.

7.Do I need to pay taxes in the order?

The prices shown on our website are the prices of the products, not including the taxes or duties. Local charges (currency conversion fees, credit or bank card fees) may apply to you depending on where you live and the local laws & regulations. 

If additional taxes or duties are required to be paid by your local authorities, the postal company may reach out to you for more information such as tax ID for customs clearance.

For more information on taxes, please contact your local customs office.

8.Why has my package bounced back to you?

There could be several reasons that your package is sent back to us:

- Receiver address is incorrect

- Receiver address is incomplete

- Package is unclaimed at the carrier’s office beyond the stipulated time.

It is the buyer's responsibility to pick up package within the time frame allotted by the carrier. Unfortunately, there will be an additional shipping fee to ship it back to you. 

9.When will my refund be processed?

Once we receive your return package back at our facility, we will issue your refund in the original amount paid (excluding any shipping charges) back to your original method of payment.

***Please note that all items listed at a reduced price within our Sale Collection are final sale***

-We can not provide refunds when the product is still in transit.

-We can not refund/cancel your order after 24 hours of having made your purchase, as your order might have already been processed.